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Aug 29, 2023   


Lompoc Trails Update


Lompoc Trails, in partnership with Santa Barbara County Parks department, is working on building a safe bypass around the existing washout on Bodger Trail. If you see us working in the next few days, know that we are working hard to open this trail back to the top for you.


Jun 29, 2023   


Lompoc Trails Update


We are currently cutting our Phase 2 preliminary trails and maintaining our Phase 1. Preliminary lines are trails cut through the vegetation to gain access to the property to help plan and develop more permanent lines.
This work requires equipment like chainsaws, weed whips, mowers and hand tools to make our P-Lines safe. We need people that do not have serious reactions to Poison Oak. We have found that this years rains have really brought a thick growth of the PO. I know some people get it and others don't. We will have lots of opportunities for non PO work but If you feel comfortable getting involved now , we could use your help ASAP.
Please reach out to schedule work. Thanks in advance to everyone for wanting to make these trails become a reality.

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Apr 20, 2023   


Bodger Trail Update


Bodger Trail is managed by the Santa Barbara County Parks department. This trail is separate from the Lompoc Trails project. Although both trails will compliment each other nicely, we only have control over the future trails we will be building. With that being said, we have been working with SB parks on helping to ensure the hiking community is being safe yet still able to be active. In January a large portion of the trail washed away. There are plans to rebuild however this will take a large amount of work and money. The SB Parks department is working on a plan for this. In January they closed the whole trail. Lompoc Trails has been working with the parks department and convinced them to open up the bottom half of the trail. So now you can hike from the trailhead to the hard road closure below the washout. We hope that you respect the closure for your safety. Lompoc Trails is excited to announce some new updates on our project in the next couple of weeks. Stay posted for those, until then hike safely.

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Apr 10, 2023   


Bike Park Still Closed Due to Storms


The readings have left some damage and make it so we could not get access to the park. With back to back to back storms we have just left it closed. Now that it looks like there is a break in the weather we will try to put in a work day soon. REMEMBER - THIS PARK IS MANAGED AND MAINTAINED BY VOLUNTEERS. Any and all help in our work days is appreciated. We will keep you posted on when the next work day will be. Thanks for your patience.

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Jan 11, 2023   


Bodger Trail Closed


Bodger Trail is currently closed until further notice. There was a large landslide pulling half the trail down. This trail is maintained by the Santa Barbara County Parks Department. Lompoc trails will be helping however we can to help expedite opening the trail. Plan on this taking a while.

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Dec 27, 2022   8:00 AM


Bike Park Closed Due to Storms


The River Bend Bike Park is currently closed due to the rain.   There will be no riding allowed until we can reevaluate.  

This is to protect you and the park.


Dec 20, 2022   10:00 AM


Bike Park Reopened



Dec 11, 2022   8:00 AM


Bike Park Closed Due to Storms


The River Bend Bike Park is currently closed due to the rain.   There will be no riding allowed until we can reevaluate.  

This is to protect you and the park.


Dec 10, 2022   7:29 AM


Environmental Improvement Project



Dec 9, 2022   10:22 AM


Environmental Improvement Project


Join us tomorrow morning, Dec 10, to help remove litter on Hwy 1.  Meet at 8am in the Home Depot parking lot near the Garden Center.


Dec 7, 2022   2:56 PM


Bike Park Reopened!


We have reopened the River Bend Bike Park after the recent storms.  Enjoy!


Dec 2, 2022   12:13 PM


Bike Park Closed Due to Storms


The River Bend Bike Park is currently closed due to the rain.    There will be no riding allowed until we can reevaluate after the storm.  This is to protect you and the park.

Nov 2, 2022   8:01 PM


Lompoc Trails Update


We are currently in the pre-construction phase of the project. We are dealing with lots of administrative tasks  like planning and fundraising, but we have also started building our preliminary lines. The purpose of these preliminary lines are to gain access to our lands for us as the landowner, potential partners/funders, and to assist with easy access for the biologists as we start our environmental reviews. We are waiting for the Santa Barbara County Recreational Master Plan to be approved because that has language that coincides with our need to reclassify our use on our AGII property. Before we can bring an excavator or hand crew out to help us finish the trails, we must show that that we have done our due diligence with environmental and permitting processes. Once the master plan is approved, it should be much more clear as to what our next steps are. It is our vision that we have done most everything that is needed by the time the plan is approved. That means we will be active on our land cutting our access trails and seeking the environmental reviews that are needed as we fundraise and raise awareness about our project. Target completion is Summer of 2024 (hopefully sooner).

Oct 26, 2022   8:04 PM


Lompoc Rotary Fundraiser


The Rotary Club of Lompoc has chosen the Lompoc Trails Project as the recipient of proceeds from the 37th Annual Wine Tasting & Auction to be held on February 26, 2023, from 1-4pm at the Lompoc Veterans Memorial Building.

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